Editor in Chief: Jules Octavian
Jules is an elder-statesman of the Eastern Ontario publishing industry and a great supporter of local arts and culture. Descended from an early pioneer family, Jules’ is passionate about the land in which he lives and the ways it is divided. In his spare time he is a keen yachtsman, gardener, and amateur vintnor.
Art Editor: Walter Liu
Walter graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design before embarking on a career in the gaming industry.
Literary Editor: Gregaro McKool
Greg does his chores in a dirty plaid coat and then makes pour-over coffee on a scale with artisanal beans. If he can’t smoke and swear he’s fucked. He is a sensitive man with hope for the future. He wrote a book that is basically that dream where you wake up naked in class and have to get home without anyone seeing you, except instead of you it’s fifteen beautiful women. He hopes he’s a feminist.
Travel Editor: Rachael Boardman
Rachael began travelling in university and has not stopped since. She has lived abroad in London, Amsterdam, and Taipei. Prior to the pandemic she travelled North America in a van. As a freelance software developer she has been able to support herself wherever there is access to the internet and has recently returned to Eastern Ontario as a home base for further adventures and to be closer to friends and family.
Napanee Correspondent: Brenda Hogg
Brenda is a long-time member and past chair of the ad-hoc citizen’s visioning group of the green-space revitalization subcommittee of the Greater Napanee urban planning task-force. As dog-mom to two fur babies, she has dedicated her life to sharing the beauty she sees in her home town. On several occasions she has been privileged to be able to advise the county on off-leash park energy flow and ley-lines.
Land Acknowledgement:
Writing about the beautiful countryside that was once the home and hunting grounds of our Mississauga, Mohawk, Algonquin, and Oneida sisters and brothers. Dreaming of a future where we truly live as brothers and sisters. If you are an Indigenous writer or artist please reach out to us. We are looking to make friends in the Indigenous community and include an indigenous voice.